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Writer's pictureHymns

Savior, select my pathway


Savior, select my pathway;

Choose it, dear Lord, for me.

I have no other longing,

Only Thy will I’d seek.

You have ordained my pathway,

However hard it be;

Lord, for Your heart’s good pleasure,

I’d follow willingly.Please now uphold my hand, Lord—

You know my weaknesses;

Else can I only sorrow,

Uncertain how to live.

If You’ll uphold my hand, Lord,

Whatever path You chart,

Whatever way or time, Lord,

’Tis sweetest to my heart.


Whether ’tis smooth or rugged,

If it is but Your choice,

It has my full consent, Lord;

None other will suffice.

I could not dare to choose, Lord,

Though You would give me rein;

Lord, do select my pathway—

Your wish is my command.


My time is in Your hands, Lord,

No matter fast or slow.

I don’t have any preference;

Schedule me as You will.

If You would teach me patience,

Daily or year by year,

I wouldn’t wish Your hinderance

Swiftly to disappear.


Here is my life’s remainder—

Do with it as You please;

Though there be joy or anguish,

I’d let You reign in me.

Every distress is precious

When I can see Your face;

Every delight is loathsome

If it’s without Your grace.


Lord, do select my pathway,

Though I be hale or ill,

Whether through tears or laughter,

Slander or fame Your will.

Work of whatever size, Lord—

I would let You decide;

This only would I prize, Lord:

That You be glorified.

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