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Magnifying Christ by Living Him

Philippians 1:19~21:

Pp 1:19: For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

Pp 1:20: According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death.

Pp 1:21: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.


We need this salvation not only to bring us out of negative things, but also to bring us into a glorious condition of presenting the word of life to those around us. The salvation in 1:19 brings us into a state where Christ is magnified in us, and the salvation in 2:12 brings us into a condition where we hold forth the living Christ as the word of life to others. To have this salvation, which we need daily and hourly, is to live Christ in a practical way.

Do you know what it means to live Christ? To live Christ means that no matter what our circumstances may be, Christ is magnified in us and we are not put to shame in anything. Hence, the salvation in 1:19 is equal to living Christ. To enjoy and experience this salvation is to live Christ. Furthermore, to live Christ also means that in our daily life we are saved from murmurings, reasonings, crookedness, and perverseness and that we present our living Lord as the word of life to those whom we meet day by day. What a tremendous salvation! We all need this daily, constant salvation, a salvation which is nothing other than Christ Himself.

(Excerpted from Chapter 47 of the Life-study of Philippians)


一19: 因为我知道,这事借着你们的祈求,和耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,终必叫我得救。


一21: 因为在我,活着就是基督,死了就有益处。





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