HymnsMagnifying Christ by Living HimPhilippians 1:19~21: Pp 1:19: For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of...
Hymns我心中的刘隧和学到的功课我是从台湾福音书房出版的刊物中看到的发行人以及在林子隆老弟兄口中知道“刘隧”,他是跟随李常受弟兄,这是我的第一影像。 在一次我到访泰国聚会中(应该是),我亲眼见到这位老人家,就在我面前,我兴奋的拿出相机说:“刘弟兄可以合影留念吗?”但是旁边的随从不客气的说:“刘弟兄现在忙,...
Hymns主今日恢复之主要项目的七个重点(The seven crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery today)The seven crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery today. These points are : the participation in the processed Triune...
HymnsIf God leads you to walk a wayIf God leads you to walk a way that you know, it will not benefit you as much as if He would lead you to take the way that you do not...
Hymns有时偶是青天 Sometimes Even A Blue Sky1 有時偶是青天,經常是有黑雲; 我曾偶然午夜歌唱甘甜,經常不發音韻; 雖然偶晴,但是經常是陰,迫我學習忍耐, 迫我不能不來尋求神心,神的喜愛。 有時四圍乾渴,清涼何其難得; 你杖要打到多沉重,苛刻,方有可喝? 你火要燒到多高熱通紅,方算試煉完全?...
Hymns一个对的人(A Right Person)【我們的所是要成爲我們的賞賜】「我們今天若不忠信的享受並經歷基督作祂各樣應許的實際,就不能在國度時代有分於這些應許的實現;原則乃是:我們的所是要成爲我們的賞賜。」 “If we do not faithfully enjoy and experience Christ as...
HymnsA letter to a sisterYou in the Lord’s recovery, who love the ministry, who enjoy and share the unsearchable riches of the all-inclusive Christ through the...